Osnovne stvari u Marketingu – Termini

Advertising. Any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor.

  • Oglašavanje. Svaki plaćeni oblik ne-lične prezentacije i promocije ideja, robe ili usluga od strane identifikovanog sponzora.

Brand. A company or product name, term, sign, symbol, design—or combination of these—that identifies the offerings of one company and differentiates them from those of competitors.

  • Marka – Brend. Kompanija ili ime proizvoda, termin, znak, simbol, dizajn ili kombinacija svih- koja označava ponudu jedne kompanije i razlikuje je od svojih konkurenata.

Brand image. A customer’s perceptions of what a brand stands for. All companies strive to build a strong, favorable brand image.

  • Imidž marke. Kupčevo shvatanje o tome šta znači brend (asocijacija na kvalitet i na ponudu). Sva preduzeća nastoje da izgrade snažan, povoljan imidž brenda.

Competition. All of the actual and potential rival offerings and substitutes that a buyer might consider.

  • Konkurencija. Sve aktuelne i potencijalno konkurentne ponude koje se kupcu ostavljaju na razmatranje.

Competitor. Any company that satisfies the same customer needs that another firm satisfies.

  • Konkurent. Svaka kompanija koja zadovoljava iste potrebe kupaca odredjenom istom ponudom.

Demand. A want for a specific product that is backed by a customer’s ability to pay. For example, you might want a specific model car, but your want becomes a demand only if you’re willing and able to pay for it.

  • Potražnja. Želja za određenim proizvodom koji je podržan platnom sposobnosti kupca. Na primer, možda ćete želeti određeni model automobila, tada vaša Želja postaje Potražnja samo ako ste voljni i sposobni da to i platite.

Differentiation. The act of designing a set of meaningful differences to distinguish a company’s offering from competitors’ offerings.

  • Različitost. Čin projektovanja skupa smišljenih razlika koje izdvajaju ponudu kompanije od ponude konkurenata.

End users. Final customers who buy a product.

  • Krajnji korisnici. Konačni korisnici koji kupe proizvod.

Exchange. The core of marketing, exchange entails obtaining something from someone else by offering something in return.

  • Razmena. Suština marketinga razmene podrazumeva dobijanje nešto od nekog drugog nudeći nešto za uzvrat.

Industry. A group of firms that offer a product or class of products that are close substitutes for each other.

  • Delatnost. Grupa firmi koje nude proizvod ili klasu proizvoda koji su bliski zamene jedno za drugo.

Marketer. Someone who is seeking a response—attention, a purchase, a vote, a donation—from another party.

  • Trgovac. Neko ko traži odgovor-pažnju, kupovinu, mišljenje, donaciju-drugog trgovca.

Marketing. The process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational goals.

  • Marketing. Proces planiranja i izvršavanja koncepcije, cene, promocije i distribucije ideja, roba i usluga za kreiranje razmene koji zadovoljavaju individualne i organizacione ciljeve.

Marketing channels. Intermediary companies between producers and final consumers that make products or services available to consumers. Also called trade channels or distribution channels.

  • Marketing kanali. Posredničke kompanije između proizvođača i krajnjih potrošača koji čine proizvode ili usluge dostupne potrošačima. Takođe se nazivaju trgovinski kanale ili kanali distribucije.

Marketing concept. The belief that a company can achieve its goals primarily by being more effective than its competitors at creating, delivering, and communicating value to its target markets. The marketing concept rests on four pillars: (1) identifying a target market, (2) focusing on customer needs, (3) coordinating all marketing functions from the customer’s point of view, and (4) achieving profitability.

  • Marketing koncept. Verovanje da kompanija ostvaruje svoje ciljeve, pre svega po tome što efikasnije od svojih konkurenata rešava kreiranje, isporuku i komunikaciju svojih vrednosti svom ciljnom tržištu. Marketing koncept počiva na četiri stuba: (1) identifikovanje ciljnog tržišta, (2) fokusirajući se na potrebe kupaca, (3) koordinira sve marketinške funkcije sa stanovišta gledišta kupca, i (4) postizanje profitabilnosti.

Marketing mix. The set of tools—product, price, place, and promotion—that a company uses to pursue its marketing objectives in the target market.

  • Marketing miks. Skup alata- proizvoda, cena, mesta i promocija- čini da kompanija koristi i sledi svoje ciljeve marketinga u ciljnom tržištu.

Marketing network. A web of connections among a company and its supporting stakeholders—customers, employees, suppliers, distributors, and others—with whom it has built profitable business relationships. Today, companies that have the best marketing networks also have a major competitive edge.

  • Marketing mreže. Mreža između kompanije i njenih aktera- kupci, zaposleni, dobavljači, distributeri kao i drugi sa kojima je izgradio profitabilne poslovne odnose. Danas kompanije koje imaju i najbolje marketinške mreže imaju veliku konkurentsku prednost. INTERNET MARKETING

Market-oriented strategic planning. The managerial process of developing and maintaining a viable fit among a company’s objectives, skills, and resources and its changing market opportunities.

  • Tržišno orijentisano strateško planiranje. Menadžerski proces razvoja i održavanja ciljeva kompanije, veština i resursa u njenim promenljivim tržišnim prilikama.

Need. A basic human requirement, such as food, air, water, clothing, and shelter, as well as recreation, education, and entertainment.

  • Potreba. Osnovna ljudska potreba, kao što su hrana, vazduh, vodu, odeću, smeštaj kao i rekreacije, obrazovanja i zabave.

Positioning. The central benefit of a market offering in the minds of target buyers; for example, a car manufacturer that targets buyers for whom safety is a major concern would position its cars as the safest that customers can buy.

  • Pozicioniranje. Centralna korist od tržišne ponude u svesti ciljnih kupaca, na primer proizvođač automobila, koji je usmeren na kupce kojima je bezbednost glavna briga, će pozicionirati svoje automobile kao najsigurnije koje potrošači mogu da kupe.

Procurement. The process by which a business buys materials or services from another business, with which it then creates products or services for its own customers.

  • Nabavke. Procesi kojima se od drugog trgovca kupuje poslovni materijal ili usluga , sa kojima je zatim stvara proizvod ili usluge za svoje klijente.

Product concept. The belief that consumers favor products that offer the most quality, performance, or innovative features.

  • Koncept proizvoda. Verovanje da će potrošači favorizovati proizvode koji nude najviše kvaliteta, performansi ili inovativne funkcije.

Product. Any offering that can satisfy a customer’s need or want. Products come in 10 forms: goods, services, experiences, events, persons, places, properties, organizations, information, and ideas.

  • Proizvod. Svaka ponuda koja može da zadovolji potrebe klijenta ili želju. Proizvodi dolaze u 10 oblika: roba, usluga, iskustva, događaji, lica, mesta, imovina, organizacija, informacije i ideje.

Production concept. The belief that customers prefer products that are widely available and inexpensive.

  • Koncipiranje proizvoda. Verovanje da kupci preferiraju proizvode koji su široko dostupni i jeftini.

Profitable customer. An individual, household, or company that, over time, generates revenue for a marketer that exceeds, by an acceptable amount, the marketer’s costs in attracting, selling to, and servicing that customer.

  • Profitabilni kupac. Pojedinac, domaćinstvo, ili firma koja vremenom generiše prihod za jednog trgovca koji premašuje očekivani iznos, u odnosu na troškove trgovca za privlačenje, prodaju i servisiranja tog kupca.

Prospect. A party from whom a marketer is seeking a response—whether it’s attention, a purchase, a vote, and so forth.

  • Eventualni kupac. Stranka od kojih trgovac traži odgovor-bilo to pažnja, kupovina, mišljenje, i tako dalje.

Relationship marketing. Building long-term, mutually satisfying relations with key parties—such as customers, suppliers, and distributors—to earn and retain their longterm business.

  • Odnosi u marketingu. Izgradnja dugoročnih, obostrano zadovoljavajućih odnosa sa ključnim strankama, poput klijenata, dobavljača i distributera u cilju zarade i zadržavanja dugoročnije poslovne saradnje.

Sales promotion. A collection of incentive tools, usually short term, designed to stimulate consumers to try a product or service, to buy it quickly, or to purchase more of it.

  • Promotivna prodaja. Kolekcija podsticajnih sredstava, obično kratkoročnih, dizajniran da podstakne potrošače da isprobataju proizvod ili uslugu, da ga kupi brzo, ili da kupi više od planiranog.

Satisfaction. A customer’s feelings of pleasure or disappointment resulting from comparing a product’s perceived performance with the customer’s expectations of that performance.

  • Zadovoljstvo. Kupčevo osećanja zadovoljstva ili razočarenja nastaje usled odnosa percipirane performanse nekog proizvoda sa očekivanjima kupca.

Selling concept. The belief that companies must sell and promote their offerings aggressively because consumers will not buy enough of the offerings on their own.

  • Prodajni koncept. Uverenje da kompanije moraju prodati i promovisati agresivno svoju ponudu, jer potrošači neće kupovati dovoljno bez takve ponude.

Societal marketing concept. The belief that a company’s task is to identify the needs, wants, and interests of target markets and to deliver the desired satisfactions better than competitors do—but in a way that preserves or enhances consumers’ and society’s wellbeing.

  • Koncept društvenog marketinga. Verovanje da kompanija je zadatak da identifikuje potrebe, želje i interese ciljnih tržišta i da isporuči željena zadovoljstva bolji od konkurenata ne-ali na način da se sačuva ili poboljšava potrošača ‘i društvo’ ; a blagostanje.

Supply chain. The long series of activities that result in the creation of raw materials, then components, and then final products that are carried to final buyers. A supply chain includes the marketing channels that bring products to customers.

  • Lanac snabdevanja. Dugi niz aktivnosti koje dovode do stvaranja sirovina, komponenti, i onda zatim gotovih proizvoda koji se prenose do krajnjih kupaca. Lanac snabdevanja uključuje marketinške kanale kojima se proizvode približava kupcima.

Value.The ratio between what a customer gets and what he or she gives in return.

  • Vrednost. Odnos između onoga što kupac dobija i šta on ili ona daje zauzvrat.

Want. A desire that occurs when a need is directed to specific objects that might satisfy that need; for example, a hamburger is a want that might satisfy the need for food.

  • Želja. Želja da se javlja kada je potreba usmerena na specifične objekte koji bi mogli zadovoljiti tu potrebu, na primer, Hamburger je želja kojom možemo zadovoljiti potrebu za hranom.

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